Tools & resources to grow your Business

Explore our curated collection of top-tier tools for your Ecommerce and SaaS Business. Integrate them to drive growth and enhance efficiency.

Shopify theme detector
Shopify Theme Detector
Please provide the URL of the Shopify store for which you would like to determine the theme.
Free sku generator
Free SKU generator
Leverage Desku’s complimentary SKU generator to organize and expand your product identifiers with ease.
Ecommerce discount calculator
Ecommerce Discount Calculator
Determine Discounts with Our Online Calculator
Profit margin calculator
Profit Margin Calculator
Set optimal product prices and enhance your profit margin
Free whatsapp link generator
Free Whatsapp Link Generator
WhatsApp chat links for your social media pages
Business loan calculator
Business Loan Calculator
The easy way to calculate your business loan’s monthly payment