A red and white radio icon with one signal on a white background.

One Signal

OneSignal is a popular customer engagement platform that specializes in push notifications and messaging. It provides businesses with tools to effectively communicate and engage with their audiences across various devices and platforms.

App details



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6 June, 2023




What is One Signal?

OneSignal is a popular customer engagement platform that specializes in push notifications and messaging. It provides businesses with tools to effectively communicate and engage with their audiences across various devices and platforms.

Benefits of One Signal

  1. Effective Communication: OneSignal allows businesses to send targeted and personalized push notifications, reaching users across various devices and platforms.

  2. Cross-Platform Reach: With OneSignal, businesses can engage users on web browsers, mobile apps (iOS and Android), email, and SMS, ensuring comprehensive audience coverage.

  3. Segmentation and Targeting: OneSignal’s segmentation features enable businesses to create audience segments based on user attributes and behaviours, delivering personalized and relevant messages.

  4. Multi-Channel Messaging: In addition to push notifications, OneSignal supports other messaging channels like in-app messaging and email, providing businesses with versatile communication options.

  5. Automation and A/B Testing: OneSignal enables businesses to automate messaging workflows and experiment with different strategies through A/B testing, optimizing engagement and conversion rates.

  6. Analytics and Reporting: OneSignal offers analytics and reporting features to track the performance of messaging campaigns, providing valuable insights for data-driven decision-making.

  7. Enhanced User Engagement: By delivering targeted and timely messages, OneSignal helps businesses increase user engagement, keeping their audience informed, and fostering interaction.

  8. Improved Conversion Rates: Personalized and relevant messaging through OneSignal can lead to higher conversion rates, driving user actions and achieving business objectives.

  9. Streamlined Customer Communication: OneSignal simplifies the process of communicating with customers, ensuring timely updates, promotions, and re-engagement efforts.

  10. Easy Integration: OneSignal seamlessly integrates with popular platforms and systems, making it convenient for businesses to incorporate into their existing workflows.

What are the benefits of integrating One Signal with Desku?

  1. Enhanced Communication: Send automated notifications to keep customers informed.

  2. Improved Engagement: Utilize push notifications to re-engage customers.

  3. Real-time Updates: Instantly notify customers about support-related information.

  4. Personalized Messaging: Tailor support notifications based on customer preferences.

  5. Efficient Ticket Management: Streamline support operations with automated ticket generation.

  6. Proactive Support: Reach out to customers about maintenance, updates, or promotions.

  7. Multi-channel Reach: Extend support through push notifications alongside emails and chat.

  8. Simplified Workflow: Automate repetitive support tasks for agents.

  9. Improved Satisfaction: Provide timely, relevant, and personalized support.

  10. Analytics and Insights: Gain valuable insights to optimize support strategies.

Step 1


Login to your account if you have your account and if not make an account on One Signal


Step 2


Select an app or website, where you want to configure the One Signal. 



Step 3


Enter the name of your website, app, or platform that you have chosen.

Select the required web mode that is available in the option. 



Fill in the required data to move into the next step of configuration 



Step 4

  • Select the setup option from this page and add your site’s URL (eg: https://demo.desku.io) 
  • Choose the appropriate label.
  • Click on save button for saving the information that is added. 



Fill the required detail. 


Copy and finish the configuration.


Step 6

Go to settings, and reset the API key



Step 7


Click on the profile button to select the account and API key.



Click on the “Generate new user auth key” button.


Copy user auth key:


Collect 3 keys of the following:

1. App ID

2. AuthKey

3. API key

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