A blue square with the letter f on it, representing FlowMattic.

FlowMattic Integration

FlowMattic is a WordPress plugin that allows you to automate your workflows and connect your apps without any coding.

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FlowMattic is a WordPress plugin that helps you automate your workflows and save valuable time for more productive work. You can do it right within your WordPress dashboard. FlowMattic is built to be a no-code required plugin, that means, you can create workflows without needing to write a single line of code.


What are the key features of FlowMattic?

FlowMattic is a WordPress plugin designed for workflow automation. It enables users to create dynamic workflows with unlimited steps for any purpose without any limitations on task executions. The plugin comes with various features designed to facilitate complex or simple automation of tasks. Some of the key features include:

  • Unlimited Workflows and Task Executions: Users can create as many workflows as needed, with each workflow comprising any number of steps. Importantly, there is no charge or limitation on task executions.
  • Selective Application Loading: FlowMattic offers numerous applications and plugins integrated within it, but users have the control to load only those they intend to use, ensuring a custom fit for every use case.
  • Webhooks and Custom Action Trigger: It provides a powerful inbuilt webhooks trigger app to receive data from any third-party app not yet integrated and allows for the integration of custom developments by selecting the custom action trigger.
  • Scheduling and Data Mapping: Users can schedule workflows to run at specific times and easily map data received in any step of the workflow to subsequent actions, enhancing the automation’s flexibility and applicability.
  • Filters, API Module, and Notifications: With the Filters app, workflows can be configured to proceed or halt based on certain conditions. The API module allows connecting any third-party service, and users can receive notifications if a task within a workflow fails.
  • Modules for Enhanced Functionality: FlowMattic includes a range of additional modules such as the Iterator, Email, PHP Functions, PHP Array, and more, each designed to extend the plugin’s capabilities. These modules cater to specific needs like looping JSON arrays, connecting to SMTP providers, processing PHP functions, and parsing array data.
  • User-Based Workflows and Conditional Execution: The plugin supports sharing workflows with specific users and executing actions steps based on set conditions.
  • Re-execution of Workflows and Workflow Cloning: FlowMattic allows for the re-execution of workflows for testing or troubleshooting and provides a one-click workflow cloning feature for experimentation or duplication of workflows.
  • Workflow Security and Customization: Features like webhook authentication, custom webhook responses, and autosave ensure the security and reliability of workflows while offering customization to fit varying needs.
  • Integration and Installation Flexibility: Users have the liberty to install or uninstall integrations as per their requirements with just a click, maintaining streamlined workflows.

FlowMattic provides an extensive array of tools and features to automate various tasks, making it an efficient solution for automating workflows in WordPress.

Since FlowMattic is a workflow automation plugin, it can allow you to connect to any WordPress plugin or 3rd party SaaS app, or web app that provides APIs to connect. To learn more on which application can you connect and possible workflows, take a look at Desku Integration page on FlowMattic.

If you need support for FlowMattic, feel free to reach out on support(at)flowmattic.com

In order to use Desku integration with FlowMattic, you need to login to your site where FlowMattic is installed. If not, you can get the FlowMattic plugin from official website.

  1. Once you are logged in to your WordPress site, go to the FlowMattic -> Integrations admin page 
  2. Search for Desku and click Install button 
  3. Go back to FlowMattic dashboard and click “New Workflow”
  4. Choose Desku as trigger app if you want to receive data from Desku to FlowMattic
  5. Click the + icon after the trigger step to add an action step, choose Desku app if you want to send data to Desku 
  6. Fill the relevant details and done!

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