12 Customer Service Phrases to Strengthen Client Relationships

12 Customer Service Phrases to Strengthen Client Relationships

Updated : Apr 24, 2024
14 Mins Read
customer service phrases for growth
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Have you ever walked into your go-to coffee joint and been met with a gruff, ‘What do you want?’ instead of the usual friendly, ‘How can I make your day better?’ A bit off-putting, right?

If you’re a business owner or someone who provides services, the words you use can significantly shape your customer’s experience.

So, we’ve compiled a list of 12 great phrases to use in your customer interactions, and another list of 7 phrases you should probably avoid. Interested? Stick around, and we’ll show you how the right choice of words can completely change your customer service game.

Key Takeaways

Ever had that experience where you walk into your regular coffee shop, and instead of a warm ‘How can I brighten your day?’ you’re met with a brusque ‘What do you want?’ Not the best feeling, right?

If you’re an entrepreneur or a service provider, know this – the language you use can hugely impact your customer’s experience.

So, let’s take a look at 12 superb phrases that can amp up your customer interactions, and another 7 that you’d do well to avoid. Ready? Stay tuned, as we show you how a simple change in language can transform your customer service approach.

12 excellent customer service phrases

In customer service, the ideal phrase can really turn things around. Think about how saying ‘Happy to assist’, ‘I comprehend how (blank) that might feel’, or ‘That’s an awesome query! I’ll get you an answer’ can help to establish a warm and positive environment.

These phrases aren’t mere words; they’re effective strategies to foster trust, show understanding, and make customer experiences unforgettable.

1. “Happy to help

The man and woman exchange a friendly handshake at the park.
12 customer service phrases to strengthen client relationships -

Being a customer service professional, it’s really beneficial when you say ‘I’m happy to help’ during your chats with customers. It shows you’re genuinely interested in providing assistance and sets a friendly, accommodating atmosphere.

  1. Fosters Clear Communication: When you tell customers ‘I’m happy to help’, it encourages them to open up about their issues or queries. This leads to more effective customer service interactions.
  2. Creates a Warm Atmosphere: This phrase is one of the best you can use in customer service. It establishes a cheerful atmosphere and makes customers feel important and attended to.
  3. Strengthens Customer Relationships: By expressing your readiness to help, you create a positive customer experience. This could lead to building strong, long-lasting relationships with your customers.

2. “I understand how (blank) that must be

Understanding your customer’s feelings is a key part of giving top-quality support. When you say things like ‘I get how frustrating this must be for you,’ it can really boost their experience. It’s all about showing you care and are ready to help.

Words can make a big difference in how a customer sees your brand. For example, when you say ‘I can see how let down you must feel,’ it shows you’re really feeling their disappointment. And when you say ‘I can imagine how tough this must be,’ it shows you’re there for them in the hard times.

Using these kinds of phrases in customer support builds a bridge of understanding and patience, which really improves the customer’s experience. It’s important to remember that great customer service comes from connecting with your customers emotionally, and using the right words is a big part of that.

3. “As much as I’d love to help

Assisting a man with mobility challenges into a vehicle.
12 customer service phrases to strengthen client relationships -

Building a strong rapport with your customers can significantly improve their overall experience. One of the best ways to do this is by showing your readiness to help, even when faced with limitations. The phrase, ‘As much as I’d love to help,’ is a great tool for achieving this.

  1. It highlights your keenness: Saying you’d ‘love to help’ suggests more than just fulfilling your duty as a customer service representative. It shows you genuinely enjoy and are dedicated to your role.
  2. It creates a sense of understanding: Even if you’re unable to provide the exact solution they’re looking for, your customers will still value your willingness to help.
  3. It manages expectations: By saying this, you’re not making impossible promises. Instead, you’re demonstrating your commitment to finding the most suitable solution.

4. “Great question! I’ll find that out for you

Responding to a customer’s query with ‘Great question! I’ll find that out for you,’ is a fantastic way to show that you’re genuinely interested in their concerns and are dedicated to providing top-tier customer service. This phrase is a prime example of how customer service teams can display a positive, proactive approach. It sends a clear message that you’re ready and willing to do whatever it takes to deliver accurate information and find meaningful solutions.

By using this phrase, you’re creating a friendly customer interaction that highlights your focus on their needs and your commitment to excellent service. Customer service isn’t just about possessing the right skills, it’s also about demonstrating that you truly value your customers’ questions.

This approach can build a stronger connection with your customers and improve their overall experience.

5. “Nice to meet you

Have you ever thought about the impact a simple phrase like ‘Nice to meet you’ could have on a customer’s experience? You might be surprised at the power it holds. Let’s have a little chat about it:

  1. It’s like a warm handshake, right at the start. It makes the customer feel seen and important.
  2. It’s as if you’re saying, ‘I care about you as a person, not just a transaction.’ That’s how you build a connection and earn trust.
  3. It’s a sunny start to your customer’s journey, setting a happy tone that can influence how they perceive your service.

So, why not add ‘Nice to meet you’ to your customer service vocabulary? It’s a small change that can make a big difference.

Ditch the cold, negative phrases. Instead, try using ‘Nice to meet you’ and other upbeat, friendly phrases to make your interactions even better.

6. “May I ask why that is?

You know, it’s really important to get a handle on what’s bothering a customer. That’s why asking, ‘May I ask why that is?’ can be a super tool in your customer service toolbox.

This question is a real winner. It shows the customer that you really care about their needs and want to understand their point of view. It gives the interaction a personal touch, which makes for a better experience all around. Plus, it opens up the lines of communication, so customers feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts.

When we chat with customers like this, we uncover all sorts of useful information that can help us solve their problems more effectively. If you can make this question a part of your customer service chat, it can really boost the connection with your customers.

7. “Thanks for bringing this to our attention

Recognizing the importance of customer feedback is crucial in any business. That’s why we always appreciate when our customers take the time to share their thoughts with us. ‘Thanks for bringing this to our attention’ is a phrase that we often use, and it holds a lot of weight in our customer service interactions.

This phrase is like a magic wand when dealing with a customer who might be upset or frustrated. It’s our way of showing them that we care about their experience and are ready to make things right.

It’s a common phrase in customer service, but it’s more than just words. It’s a way to build a relationship with our customers. When they hear it, they feel like they’re being listened to, valued, and even part of the problem-solving process.

But remember, it’s not just about saying the words. It’s about backing them up with action. When we say ‘Thanks for bringing this to our attention’, we’re promising that we’re on it – it’s an issue we’re acknowledging and we’ll be working on a solution.

8. “I completely understand why you’d want that

If you’re working in customer services, you’ll know how vital it’s to connect with your customers. It’s all about empathy, making sure their needs and concerns are heard. One phrase that really makes a difference is ‘I completely understand why you’d want that.’

Why does this phrase work so well? It’s simple. It shows the customer that their feelings are acknowledged, and their wants are valid, even if what they’re asking for isn’t quite doable. It’s about creating a bond of trust and openness and ensuring their interaction with you is a positive one.

You’re not outright denying their request but rather showing them you get where they’re coming from. And that’s the secret sauce to excellent customer service – empathy and understanding. Keep it in mind next time you’re dealing with a customer, and watch the magic happen.

9. “I’d love to understand more about

Let’s chat about a phrase that can make a big difference in your customer service skills: ‘I’d love to understand more about that.’ This little sentence can be a game-changer when you’re dealing with customer complaints. As a customer service representative, your job is to take tricky situations and turn them into positive experiences. Here’s why this phrase is so powerful:

  1. It’s a sign that you’re really listening: When you say this, the customer knows that you’re not just hearing them, but you’re truly interested in what they’ve to say.
  2. It opens up the conversation: By showing you want to learn more, you’re inviting the customer to elaborate on their issue or experience.
  3. It shows you care: This phrase is a simple way to demonstrate empathy, which is a crucial part of delivering great customer service. It helps to build a trusting relationship, and can even turn a complaint into something positive.

10. “I’ve passed this on to our team

In a nutshell, when you tell a customer ‘I’ve passed this on to our team,’ you’re doing more than just acknowledging their input – you’re letting them know that their feedback matters and will be acted upon. This phrase is a top pick in the world of customer service, as it shows that you’re putting the customer first.

It reinforces the idea that your company values what the customer has to say and is dedicated to resolving any issues they may have. The use of these well-chosen customer service phrases can reassure customers that they’re being listened to and their concerns are being elevated for attention by the right people.

This strategy, often instilled through customer service training, helps to build trust, bolster customer relationships, and ultimately, enhance how customers perceive your product or service.

11. “I’ve read through the conversation so far

Being a customer service rep, when you say ‘I’ve read through the conversation so far’ it can really change the way you connect with customers. It proves that you’re fully focused, ready to help, and honestly want to understand what’s bothering them.

  1. No Repetition: This phrase means your customer doesn’t have to tell their story twice. It’s a great way to save time and keep the conversation flowing.
  2. Commitment: When you say ‘I’ve read through the conversation so far,’ it shows you’re dedicated to giving the best customer support. It shows you’re really ready to dig in.
  3. Understanding: The message sent with this phrase is that you care about the customer’s input. By using this kind of positive language, you reassure them that their worries matter and will be taken care of.

12. “Thank you for being our customer

Appreciation is like a secret sauce in business. So, when we say, ‘Thank you for being our customer,’ it’s more than just a courtesy. It’s a way of telling you that we genuinely value your trust in us. This simple phrase can really strengthen our bond, building a sense of loyalty that goes beyond mere transactions.

We know you have a world of choices, but you chose us. And we don’t take that lightly. Whether you’re cheering us on or offering suggestions for improvement, we’re listening. Your input helps us grow and serves as a constant reminder that our business is a success because of customers like you.

So, next time you interact with us, expect a hearty thank you. Because your support means the world to us. And we want you to know it. Your decision to back our business never goes unnoticed. We want our interactions to feel friendly, warm, and above all, genuine.

7 customer service phrases to avoid

Improving your customer service skills isn’t just about the right things to say, but also avoiding certain phrases that might come off as insincere or dismissive.

For example, frequently used phrases like ‘Your call is important to us,’ ‘Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause,’ or ‘Unfortunately, I can’t do that for you,’ mightn’t be received well by your customers.

1. “Your call is important to us

When you hear ‘Your call is important to us’ after a lengthy hold at a service center, it might feel like your concerns aren’t being taken seriously. It’s an experience that can make you feel overlooked rather than valued, especially if you’ve been waiting for a while.

Here are some tips to make your customers feel more appreciated:

  1. Speak Positively: Instead of the usual phrases, try using more positive and encouraging words like ‘We’re grateful for your patience and understanding’.
  2. Recognize the Wait Time: If a client has been waiting, don’t ignore it. Saying something like ‘We’re sorry for the delay and value your patience’ can make a difference.
  3. Demonstrate Genuine Concern: Let them know you care about their issues. Phrases like ‘Let’s work through this together’ can help.

2. “Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause

You may feel like saying, ‘Sorry for any inconvenience this might cause,’ is a good strategy. However, it can actually appear dismissive and unspecific, which might make a customer even more irked.

This type of apology doesn’t address the actual problem that’s bothering the customer. Instead of using these broad sorry notes, opt for language that truly shows you care and are ready to fix the issue.

Aim to pinpoint the exact problem, make the customer feel understood, and map out your plan to set things right. By using positive, tailored, and practical language you can change a disgruntled customer into a happy one.

3. “Thank you for the feedback

Thanking customers for their feedback can sometimes come across as insincere or even dismissive in customer service, particularly if there’s no subsequent action or comprehensive response. While this phrase is common in customer service, it mightn’t always be the best way to express your appreciation of a customer’s viewpoint.

Rather than a run-of-the-mill ‘thank you for the feedback’, why not give your response a personal touch? This lets the customer know that you’ve really taken their opinion on board, which can help to build a stronger connection.

Show that you’re committed to doing better. Phrases like ‘We’re always striving to be better, and feedback like yours is a big help’ can make customers feel valued and listened to.

If you can, explain what you plan to do as a result of their feedback. This shows that you care about keeping your customers happy and can help to build trust.

4. “Unfortunately, I can’t do that for you

Handling customer requests can be tricky, especially when you’re unable to fulfill them. It’s never fun to say, ‘Unfortunately, I can’t do that for you.’ It might leave the customer feeling unnoticed and ignored. They might even feel like you’re brushing them off. They’ve come to you for help, and you’ve essentially told them you’re not able to assist.

Good customer service is all about the words you choose and the way you say them. When you can’t fulfill a customer’s request, try a more understanding approach. Instead of refusing outright, think about other things you can do for them. Say things like, ‘Let’s see what else we can arrange for you.’ This way, you’re showing that you’re ready to help, keeping things upbeat, and staying away from seeming uninterested.

The aim is always to make the customer feel important. So even when you can’t meet their exact needs, let them know they matter.

5. “Can you send a fax?

It’s essential to remember that the words we use matter, especially when we’re dealing with customers. In the past, asking someone, ‘Can you send a fax?’ wouldn’t have raised an eyebrow. But in today’s tech-savvy world, such a question might make your business seem out of touch.

Here’s the thing – no one wants to feel like they’re dealing with a company stuck in the past. Asking your client to send a fax might leave them with this impression. You don’t want that, right? So, why not flip the script?

Instead of dictating the method of communication, ask them, ‘How would you prefer to share this information with us?’ It’s a small change, but it sends a powerful message. It shows that you’re adaptable and ready to cater to your customer’s needs.

At the end of the day, excellent customer service is all about making your customers feel valued and respected. So, it’s always a good idea to avoid any language that might suggest otherwise. It’s not just about what you say, but how you say it.

6. “I’m sorry you feel that way

You might think that saying ‘I’m sorry you feel that way’ is just being polite when dealing with customers. But actually, it can come off as though you’re just brushing off their worries instead of taking them seriously. This could leave them feeling like you’re not really listening, which could lead to bad reviews.

It’s really important that we talk to our customers in a way that makes them feel valued and understood. So instead of saying ‘I’m sorry you feel that way’, it’s better to show them you really do care about their problem and are going to do something about it.

You might say something like, ‘I can see why you’re upset, and I’m going to do my best to fix this for you.’ This sounds much more sincere and shows that you’re on their side.

7. “Can I help you with anything else today?

You may believe that concluding a conversation with ‘Can I help you with anything else today?’ is a courteous gesture. However, this seemingly innocuous phrase can unintentionally convey that you consider the customer’s needs as an annoyance or a hindrance. Such a message can potentially harm your relationship with the customer.

This statement can make an ideal customer feel hurried, preventing them from adequately expressing their needs or worries.

It gently insinuates that the service provider values their time more than the customer’s, which can create a negative perception.

It indirectly signals to the customer that they’re a disruption to your day, rather than the purpose of your work.

These points illustrate why it’s essential to choose our words wisely, particularly when dealing with valued customers. Using a more conversational style can make a huge difference in how the customer perceives the interaction.

It’s all about making the customer feel valued and appreciated, instead of just another task to check off the list.

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Picture of Gaurav Nagani
Gaurav Nagani
Gaurav Nagani is the Founder and CEO of Desku, an AI-powered customer service software platform.
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