Desku vs Zendesk Cost Comparison: Who Offers More for Less

Desku vs Zendesk Cost Comparison: Who Offers More for Less

Updated : Apr 24, 2024
13 Mins Read
A cost comparison of two logos with the words zoodek vs zoobek in relation to Zendesk.
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Can you guess the best business strategy to inflate your business with money? Cost-Effectiveness. Yes! You read it right! The product or service should deliver the best results and should be affordable.

This is the main thumb rule to increase efficiency and maximize profits. When it comes to procuring a Help-desk Solution, customer satisfaction and cost-effectiveness is not an option but top-most priority for any business.

If we look at the current scenario, there is cut-throat competition among companies to deliver unparalleled customer support service to their subscribers. With ample options available to choose from, two help-desk Solutions catch our eye – one from the top-tier segment named Zendesk with a hefty price-line and the other from the emerging segment named Desku with cost-effective services. Desku shines the brightest among all Zendesk competitors after Intercom.

In this article, we set forth to compare Desku and Zendesk in all aspects and aim to illuminate the most Cost-Effective Help Desk Solution for your business needs. So, don’t go; it’s the business we are talking about!

Key Takeaway :

Desku offers more affordable pricing, better UI and UX, smooth customer support platform navigation, a feature-rich left sidebar, and a better-responding support team, making it a cost-effective help desk solution compared to Zendesk, especially for e-commerce businesses. Desku’s pricing plans, starting from $29 per user per month, along with a 14-day free trial, cater to businesses of all sizes, making it a compelling choice for those looking for a budget-friendly and efficient CRM solution.

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Desku vs zendesk cost comparison: who offers more for less -

Understanding Zendesk: A Closer Look at the Giant

Understanding zendesk a closer look at the giant
Desku vs zendesk cost comparison: who offers more for less -

Excellence and exorbitance are the two words that can closely define the name Zendesk! Since 2007 and till now, Zendesk’s exceptional Customer Support system has emerged as a beacon in the industry. It is the most sought-after Help-desk Solution by the leading companies. However, there are many concerns likened up with this customer support software too.

Check a dedicated guide on Zendesk HERE.

The Power of a Unified System:  

Now the question arises: which features have earned Zendesk fame in the customer Support system industry? Let’s Zoom in on the features of Zendesk! Zendesk is not just a Help-desk solution but has emerged as a coherent and efficient system consisting of customer support tools, reporting and analytic tools, a marketplace for apps, and a knowledge base portal.

Revolutionary User Interface:  

Starting with its user interface, it is as amazing as iOS. Smooth, task–oriented, and data-driven. The multi-channel support in the dashboard captures the heart of the users. The luxury of connecting with customers on any communication channel via a single dashboard brings the connections to users’ fingertips.

Efficient Ticketing System: Streamlining Customer Concerns with Precision

Zendesk’s most praised feature of the ticketing system captures the heart of the users. The automatic routing of the tickets to the right agents sets the perfect stage for the faster and more efficient delivery of customer concerns. Once the customer dives into Zendesk’s Knowledge Base portal, he will come up with a solution. The vast ocean of information satiates the curiosity and concerns of the customer.

Do you really want to keep your business ahead in this agile market? Zendesk helpdesk software gives you this chance with its Marketplace app page. Businesses looking to harness the potential of the e-commerce market find it perfectly landed there.

With applications ranging from in-house management to market exploration, zendesk has covered everything in its basket. Zendesk knows how to keep every business intact in its CRM segment. By using customization as a key resource, Zendesk’s CRM market taps all the companies irrespective of their size. It’s good at scalability and access.

Also read: How to cancel zendesk subscription

Desku Emerges: The Rising Star in Helpdesk Solutions

Desku emerges the rising star in helpdesk solutions
Desku vs zendesk cost comparison: who offers more for less -

Efficient and economical are the two words that define Desku customer support software!

With Desku in the market, all eyes are set on this rising star to see what magic it spells in this customer support system industry. Since its inception, Desku has constantly amazed businesses with its ever-evolving, cost-effective help-desk solutions.

Research shows that Desku’s Help-Desk Solutions are the most sought-after CRM tools for growing businesses. One simple question pops up in our mind: why are the businesses opting for Desku and not running behind the Giants like Zendesk? 

To satiate your curiosity, we have come up with the compelling features that Desku caters to its subscribers. Not everyone is capable of delivering the best services in the pocket-friendly price range. Desku does! And this is what makes Desku more precious in the CRM market. This quality magnetizes the start-ups and the budding enterprises towards Desku.

What sets Desku apart from its peers is Desku’s promise to render the finest services without compromising on quality. Desku’s services are considered at par with the industry giants. Desku’s scalability aspect attracts businesses ranging from start-ups to mid-size organizations. Also, the developers have paid enough heed to UI and UX.

Deksu desk software has a user-friendly interface and simple dashboard that enables users to work effortlessly and effectively on any task. Desku’s Knowledgebase for self-service widens customers’ knowledge and empowers them to manage CRM portals without any problems. The multichannel support and ticketing system proves to be technological boons to the users.

We can truly say that when manpower fails, Desku is at your rescue and sets you up with a mesmerizing customer experience!

Everything has a price attached to it. Let’s have a look at what Zendesk and Desku claim for their services.

Zendesk pricing

Zendesk pricing
Desku vs zendesk cost comparison: who offers more for less -

Zendesk CRM has 3 different pricing plans to offer you. It is named as Support plan, Sells plan, and Suite plan. The money can be paid monthly or annually. 

  • Support Plan: The support plan is further subdivided into 3 subcategories based on the services it offers. It is priced as a 19$ support plan, 55$ Support plan, and 115$ support plan. This money is charged on the basis of per user per month. This cost is close to the basic plan from ServiceNow.
  • Sell Plan: The Sell Plan is further subdivided into 4 subcategories costing 19$,55$,115$, and 169$. These charges are applicable on a per-user, per-month basis. 
  • Suite Plan: it is further subdivided into 5 categories: 55$ per user per month,89$ per user per month,115$ per user per month,169 $ per user per month, and the Enterprise plan. Enterprise plan offers flexible charges based on the services you club in your basket. 
  • We recommend going for Zendesk’s annual plan if you are thinking of using its services for more than 9 months. Taking an annual plan may save money in the bank account.

Desku pricing

Desku pricing
Desku vs zendesk cost comparison: who offers more for less -

Desku aims to provide Customer Support Service at arm’s length to all sizes of businesses. To realize its goal, Desku has come up with an unbeatable price line in the Customer Support System market, and for that reason, we can see a lot of positive Desku reviews.

You can try Desku products before you go for any plans. It offers a 14-day free trial period to its prospective customers. Let’s have a look at its product line in various price ranges.

Desku offers 3 cost and pricing plans, namely Start-up Plan, Team Plan, and Business Plan.

  • Start-up Plan: It is quoted as 29$ per user per month. It encompasses all the essential CRM tools, such as unlimited tickets, 5 email inboxes, customer management, a knowledge base, and a chatbot. 
  • Team Plan: It is quoted as 59$ per user per month. A team plan brings more essential features into its basket to multiply your team outcomes. It includes services like unlimited integrations, survey builders, live chat, and real-time multi-language support, among other robust features. 
  • Business Plan: It is quoted as 89$ per user per month. It comes with a comprehensive suite of services to align all the CRM processes and satiate your business needs. It includes all the services of Team Plan plus more advanced tools such as macros, rules, advanced analytics, and automation features to the mix.

All these plans can be availed on a monthly basis or annually. If you go for an annual subscription, Desku offers a 35% discount to its customers. Many experts agree that in terms of price comparison with alternatives, Desku is an excellent platform. Being low-cost, it still manages to provide better and similar features to top help desk platform giants.

Key Features 2023 Comparison: Which Platform Offers More For Money?

What is the best way to know which offers the better services without subscribing to it? A Comparison, right? So, let’s go through the comparative study of Zendesk and Desku to know which suits your needs without affecting your bank balance.

 A Comprehensive Overview Of Zendesk’s Arsenal

Zendesk is termed as an arsenal of tech weapons for tackling customer queries and a lot more. Name it, and you get it. Right from the exclusive ticketing system to analytical tools to multichannel support systems, everything you desire comes at your fingertip. The vast knowledge base and scalability are revered in the entire CRM industry.

What if your needs are different from what you are procuring? Does this buying make sense? Nope, we would say it’s a waste of money. Sometimes, a needle is more useful than a sword. You don’t need an arsenal to weave the intricate design of your CRM system in a developing organization. You just need to identify your needle to get the work done!

Desku’s Distinctive Edge: Unveiling a New Paradigm

Desku, with its CRM services, always stays on the ground and keeps its customers afloat on cloud 9! Never praising itself, Desku provides a seamless experience to its users through a user-friendly interface, multichannel support system, and organized dashboard. 

The various plans are crafted to meet the absolute demand of the users. With ever-evolving innovations, Desku brings the finest services at a cost-effective price range. Scalability has become a growing need of the industry, and Desku serves it well to its customers.

If you are new and want to build a solid foundation for your CRM System without spending much from your pocket, Desku becomes a perfect choice!

User Experience: Navigating Desku and Zendesk

User experience navigating desku and zendesk
Desku vs zendesk cost comparison: who offers more for less -

The user experience is not simply an option in today’s changing markets of customer support. Ease of use is considered very important in a help desk solution, and both Desku and Zendesk’s support platforms acknowledge this fact. Here, we take a tour through the user interfaces of these programs, analyzing their navigability and how they automate the overall user experience.

Zendesk’s Interface: A Familiar Landscape

The user interface has hardly ever been an issue for Zendesk users, especially less tech-savvy ones. However, when we move to high-end features, we do come across a bit of bewildering. This platform provides a clear and intuitive interface with an informative dashboard that helps businesses navigate between its many options with ease. Furthermore, it has a customizable interface, thereby making it easy for companies since they can fit it as per their requirements. But does this familiarity come at the cost of adaptability for newcomers?

Desku’s Intuitive Design: A Breath of Fresh Air

Step into Desku’s world of elegant, user-friendly interfaces. Desku’s interface is geared towards offering an easy-to-use experience. It is refreshing to simply navigate through its features, even for newcomers to the world of help desk solutions. User-friendly design minimizes the learning curriculum, making it easy for business users to adapt the solution rapidly. This interface this better than other Zendesk competitors like Front.

Integration Capabilities to Make Your Workflow Seamless

The integration capabilities of the helpdesk solution in modern-day business operations are an important aspect. In the last part, we compare Desku and Zendesk as far as their ability to integrate goes. We discover which is the most compatible with your current workflow.

Zendesk’s Integration Ecosystem: Building Bridges

This integration ecosystem in Zendesk enables organizations to bridge links between many other channels, including their help desk software. Zendesk is meant to be integrated into your CRM and project management tools. The question arises, though: will the mass integrations lead to smooth operation for your workforce?

Desku’s Cohesive Integration Approach: Quality over Quantity

Unlike Zendesk’s multiple-app integration approach, Desku aims to provide a meaningful integration with its customers. Staying as a pseudo warrior, Desku designs the complete strategy to capture the heart of the CRM system. 

Desku’s approach of quality over quantity aims to deliver the topmost experience to its users. With a wide array of Customer support services, Desku nullifies the void created by the manual processes. Desku’s cohesive integration approach emphasizes the importance of meaningful connections over multiple connections.

Scalability: Growing Your Support System with Confidence

If you want to survive in this dynamic environment of 2023, your products or services should be flexible enough to meet the needs of any size of business. Without scalability, businesses find it difficult to cater to the needs of a growing industry. Let’s see who triumphs in terms of the Scalability aspect: Zendesk or Desku?

Zendesk’s Track Record in Scaling: A Tested Journey

Zendesk, being a pioneer in the customer support system industry, has proved its Scalability aspect at every step. Zendesk’s ability to change the services as per the needs of the start-ups to the well-established businesses has made it a versatile system in the CRM realm. Being associated with Zendesk definitely streamlines your processes, but does this integration come with simplicity and affordability? The answer is No. It is not as easy to navigate as Desku, and user reviews aren’t that appealing about shared inbox functionality.

Desku’s Agility in Growth: Meeting Tomorrow’s Demands

Want to move faster? Go with Desku. Desku is ranked as one of the fastest-growing CRM platforms in the industry. With Desku’s exceptional CRM tools, businesses find it easy to align their processes in a tech ecosystem. The opportunity to grow faster with Desku without disturbing your budget brings efficiency and enormous productivity.

Customer Support: When You Need Help, Who’s There?

With Desku in one hand and Zendesk in the other, who comes to your rescue when you need help the most? Let’s figure out who is always on the toes to run before you ask for it.

Zendesk’s Support Pedigree: A Reputation for Reliability

Zendesk has earned a reputation for being a reliable customer support system in the industry. Ever since its foundation in 2007, the rich pool of customers affiliated with Zendesk reflects its absolute dependability for CRM needs. This trust is achieved with Zendesk’s commitment to stand by the customer’s side as and when needed. However, you do find angry reviews (mildly annoying), too. A few of those spoke of support agents not helping that well.

Desku’s Personalized Assistance: A New Approach to Support

Desku, being a novice in the field (and a solid alternative to Zendesk), comes with a new perspective. Never leaving the customers lonely and always staying by their side is the fundamental goal of Desk. Desku treats its customers with utmost care and provides personalized assistance.

With a well-organized approach and efficient tools, Desku features keep the customers’ CRM processes aligned with their business needs. You can try their amazing customer support by signing up for a free 14-day trial.

Security Matters: Protecting Your Data and Customers

Of course, Security matters to everyone! When it comes to dealing with your valuable customer data, Secured processes are not an option but the demanding need of today’s world. With Security in place, let’s see who has got the most confidential lock and key mechanism to serve safety to their customers. 

Zendesk’s Robust Security Infrastructure: A Shield of Assurance

Zendesk, ever since the beginning of its reign, has always taken security measures of utmost importance. Zendesk provides a robust safety shield to its customers by complying with its security certifications. The security spectrum encompasses features such as regular updates, notifications, and user approval for managing the software.

Desku’s Modern Security Paradigm: Staying Ahead of Threats

Just like Zendesk, Desku has gained the trust of its customers in keeping their data safe. With ever-evolving technology, Desku aims to bring the most prominent Security features to its users. The systems approach to constantly incorporate the encryption standards and secure APIs boosts the safeguard measures. Systematic audits and regular updates nullify the probability of threats to dwindle the system. 

Desku customer service platform creates a secure platform for their customers to streamline processes confidently.

Conclusion: A Cost-Effective Path Forward

In our quest to search for a cost-effective path for our business, our journey has revealed more than we had sought. The study draws the attention of customers who are mammoths as well as beginners to equip themselves with the arsenal of the CRM world.

For the Established and Expansive: Zendesk (or Freshdesk)

If you are already well-versed in the technicalities of business processes and want to expand your reign, Zendesk can be your best choice. Beware of the complexities and the learning curve Zendesk brings to your desk, as it may not seem reasonable after liquidating your treasury funds, pretty much like Zoho Desk and LiveAgent.

For the Agile and Budget-Conscious: Desku

If you are growing and moving with lightning speed, Desku matches the speed and the needs of your budding enterprise. With agility and scalability, Desku sprints your CRM process without draining your bank balance.

If we talk about the Desku vs Zendesk comparison for e-commerce, it is ultimately you who has to choose the right, efficient, and cost-effective help desk solution for your business needs. The last liner is – Desku Offers more affordable pricing, better UI and UX, smooth customer support platform navigation, a feature-rich left sidebar, and a better-responding support team. Also, Desku is the best Zendesk alternative for WooCommerce.

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Picture of Gaurav Nagani
Gaurav Nagani
Gaurav Nagani is the Founder and CEO of Desku, an AI-powered customer service software platform.

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