12 Best Help Desk Ticketing Systems | Top Picks by Experts

Updated : Apr 24, 2024
12 Mins Read
A man sitting on the floor with a laptop in front of him, using the Best Help Desk Ticketing System.

12 Best Help Desk Ticketing Systems | Top Picks by Experts

Customer Support Software That covers all Your Business needs

  • Ai Assist
  • Ai Inbox + Helpdesk
  • Live Chat
  • Ai Chatbot
  • Automations
  • Knowledge Base
  • Shared Inbox
Table of content

Customer service is an integral part of any business, so it’s essential to have taken the best help desk ticketing system in place.

Having the right system in place can help businesses provide an outstanding customer service experience that leads to higher customer satisfaction, better customer retention, improved response times, and more efficient operations.

With so many help desk ticketing systems on the market, it can be a challenge to determine which is right for your business.

That’s why we’ve done the research for you and put together a list of the 12 best help desk ticketing systems for 2024. We’ll cover their features, pricing, integrations, and customer support to help you find the best system for your business.

The best Help Desk Ticketing Systems

  • Desku
  • Tidio
  • Freshworks
  • Zendesk
  • Zohodesk
  • Wati
  • Gorgias
  • Intercom
  • Manychat
  • Helpscout
  • Hubspot
  • LiveAgent

1) Desku

All-in-one AI-Assisted Help Desk Customer Software for your business

Desku is an all-in-one customer service platform that helps in managing customer queries from multiple social media channels under just one roof. Talking about the modern features, it is equipped with AI-Smart Features that will help business owners or support teams to streamline and boost efficiency to manage customer queries and team management.

Help desk ticketing system

Live Chat

Desku’s live chat feature allows you to connect with customers in real-time and answer their questions. This can help you to resolve issues quickly and provide excellent customer service.

Knowledge Base

Desku’s knowledge base allows you to create and share articles and FAQs with your customers. This can help customers to find answers to their questions on their own, which can free up your time to focus on other tasks.

Ticketing System

Desku’s ticketing system allows you to track and manage customer support requests. This can help you to keep track of all customer interactions and ensure that they are resolved in a timely manner.


Desku allows you to set service level agreements (SLAs) with your customers to ensure that they receive timely support. This can help you to build customer trust and loyalty.

Reporting and Analytics

Desku provides detailed reports on customer interactions so you can track your performance and identify areas for improvement. This information can help you to improve your customer service and provide a better experience for your customers.

2) Tidio

Automate customer service and empower human agents

Tidio is a powerful customer service and support platform that provides help desk, ticketing, and workflow automation solutions for companies looking to support customers with ease. It’s one of the most reliable and efficient help desk software solutions, with features like parent-child ticketing, tech support, personalized support, and ticket routing for improved customer experience.

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With Tidio, you can quickly get started for free and manage support tickets in one easy-to-use system that allows teams to collaborate and manage multiple channels. It helps you maintain an optimal level of customer satisfaction, with features like support requests, ticketing and reporting, support channels, and a knowledge base.

Tidio offers seamless integration with popular CRM solutions, such as HubSpot, to provide a more efficient and effective way to track customer support metrics. This system also allows you to implement best practices when it comes to ticketing, workflow automation, and support experience management. As its name suggests, it also employs automated help desk solutions to quickly generate responses and save time.

Also Read: 5 Reasons why you should avail Helpdesk Solution

The best thing about Tidio is that it offers different pricing tiers that fit nearly any budget. You can get started for free and gradually upgrade to meet the needs of your company. It also allows you to create custom rules for routing support tickets, and its ticketing system can also manage internal and remote support.

Robust AI algorithms & Natural Language Processing

Robust AI algorithms offer automated responses and natural language processing to act as intelligent voice assistants.

Time tracking for ticket routing & management

Time tracking helps managers efficiently monitor and assign tickets, ensuring responses are timely.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

IVR enables customers to connect to the right agent quickly—and accurately process customer requests.

Multiple Integrations

Easily connect with popular applications, such as Shopify, MailChimp, Zapier, Jira, Google, Salesforce, and Slack.

Comprehensive and accurate Reporting

Reports and insights provide access to vital info, such as ticket queues, abandonment rates, SLA compliance, and customer segmentation.

3) Freshworks

Unify diverse customer support channels

Freshworks is a powerful and comprehensive help desk and ticketing system that enables organizations to unify and manage customer support channels. It is an advanced and quickly growing help desk framework that is specifically designed for the modern and complex customer service environment of 2024. It integrates easily, so even small teams can get started for free. With Freshworks, companies looking to improve and manage customer service can do so easily and quickly.

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Freshworks help desk and ticketing system have unique features that make it stand out from other competitors. It includes features such as ticketing and reporting, an automated workflow that allows you to track customer support requests, and powerful custom workflows and ticket routing.

It also makes it easy to set up and manage Knowledge Bases, allowing you to store, organize and access helpful information quickly.

The help desk functions also feature custom ticket views and marketing tools to help you better organize customer communications and maximize conversions.

Optimized conversation flows

Efficiently manage customer enquiries with automated conversation flows.

Integration with various customer service channels

Unify customer requests coming from different sources like LiveChat, SMS, Email, Phone, Twitter, etc.

Customer profiles

Gather customer information including contact details, location, visited pages, and more.

Advanced analytics

Gain insights with analytics tools for reporting, forecasting and performance improvement.

Ticketing system

Create organized tickets, assign and merge them, and track their progress in real-time.

4) Zendesk

Seamless customer service with intelligent workflows

Zendesk is a comprehensive help desk and customer service solution built for easy customer engagement and seamless customer service. With Zendesk, team members can collaborate on customer queries and take proactive steps to resolve customer issues, ultimately improving customer satisfaction and reducing response time.

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At its core, Zendesk is a help desk ticketing system that enables support staff to quickly and easily organize customer inquiries, assign tasks, and track customer service performance. Its automation features add intelligence to customer support, allowing customer inquiries to be identified, categorized, and routed to the right person or department quickly and efficiently. The help desk software also allows customer service reps to send automated, personalized responses to customers, boosting customer experience.

Zendesk’s reporting and metrics capabilities allow customer service teams to better analyze their performance to maximize customer satisfaction. Track customer interactions with dashboards, customer lifetime value metrics, and customer feedback, and compare this to target customer service metrics set by the organization.

The help desk ticketing system also offers integrations with popular customer service

Intelligent workflows

Make your own workflow, the workflow presented will be automated and created with intelligent technology built into it.

Seamless customer service

With the types of customer service available with Zendesk, you can easily track down customer query support that helps to never miss on any customers. The ticketing system, live chat, and knowledge base are one of the core seamless customer service features that will help to carry the seamless customer service.

Collision detection

Collision detection is one of the important features that will help not to reply to a single customer by two agents or tenants.

Integrated ticket assignment

The ticket assignment is the management of the ticket where customers can contact you if they have any queries or doubts. The management of customers’ tickets will be managed in one place.

Performance monitoring

Get all the performance monitoring with accurate reports and analytics so that if any improvements are needed in terms of customer support performance, it will be managed in the most organised ways.

5) Zohodesk

Centralize customer conversations with reports & analytics

Zohodesk is a help desk and ticketing system with comprehensive reporting and analytics, designed to help professionals in customer support, sales, and customer experience manage customer conversations more efficiently. It can help cut customer service costs and improve customer experience by centralizing customer communication in one place.

Zohodesk allows users to set rules to segment and track customer conversations, so teams can find suitable solutions quickly and easily. The system can help customer support agents and sales reps maximize their time by automatically routing support tickets to the appropriate departments and receiving real-time notifications to take timely action.

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The ticketing system helps organize customer support requests to ensure companies provide a more efficient customer experience.

It also enables teams to automatically send out personalized customer service emails using templates, as well as create support tickets to inform customers of the resolution.

Additionally, tracking customer support requests and usage reports help teams compare performance and find areas to improve.

Zohodesk is built to help companies manage customer

Centralize customer conversations with Zohodesk

Manage everything under one dashboard. Your customer’s queries can be managed under one roof with all the conversational features and management. There are certain things which you need to remember

6) Wati

Intelligent insights from collaborative customer service

Wati is an intelligent and collaborative customer service platform that provides actionable insights for businesses. Wati helps companies as early as 2024 improve their customer service experience by providing streamlined and improved help desk, ticket management and ticket routing functions.

It automates most of the customer support and help desk processes, enabling teams to manage large amounts of customer support tickets quickly and efficiently.

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Wati also offers enhanced ticketing and reporting that makes it easier for companies to track customer support and troubleshooting history.

It provides advanced ticketing systems that can also be used to manage internal and remote support.

Help desk software offers features like automated responses and customer satisfaction surveys to measure customer satisfaction levels and improve customer experience.

Intelligent insights provided

Intelligent insights are generated to understand customer trends and needs.

Collaborative customer service

Access customer support from multiple people with a shared ticket list.

Easy ticket routing

Tickets are automatically routed to the right agent for a faster resolution.

Powerful analytics and forecasting

Advanced analytics and forecasting algorithms help optimize the customer experience.

Comprehensive reports

Comprehensive reporting for customers and agents to generate a better understanding of customer interactions.

7) Gorgias

Optimize customer service with powerful automations

Gorgias is a comprehensive help desk solution designed to optimize customer service with powerful automations.

It helps companies increase customer satisfaction with powerful ticketing, knowledge base, and workflow tools. This help desk software provides a range of integrated features, such as help desk tickets, ticket systems, and customer support, to assist in managing customer queries.

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Gorgias offers integrations with CRM and help desk ticketing systems like Zoho Desk, Hubspot, and Jira to help companies improve the customer experience. It also has automated

  • Automated ticket routing and merging
  • Customizable and intuitive interface
  • Advanced analytics and forecast
  • Comprehensive reporting for customers and agents
  • Self-service including knowledge base, chatbots, and FAQs

8) Intercom

Strengthen relationships with personalized messaging

Intercom is a SaaS help desk that provides customer support, messaging, and analytics to strengthen customer relationships. It helps businesses to build personalized relationships with their customers by enabling them to engage with them in meaningful ways.

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Intercom’s help desk allows you to manage customer support tickets in one centralized place and create custom ticket views to keep everything organized.

You can assign staff members to specific issues and use automated ticket routing to ensure that requests are dealt with quickly and efficiently. Additionally, Intercom provides a knowledge base for customers to reference when looking for answers to their questions.

Real-Time Messaging

Enable instant two-way messaging to capture customer queries and feedback.

Personalized Messaging

Create personalised messages and AI-powered bots to provide automated help.

Smart Segmentation

Delivers personalized messages to the right people quickly and efficiently.

Team Collaboration

Keep conversations and to-dos in one place with multiple team members.

Analytics & Insights

Monitor performance with advanced analytics and reporting tools.

9) Manychat

Create automated customer service with AI

Manychat is the perfect solution for companies looking to create automated customer service with AI.

Manychat allows businesses to provide personalized customer support, manage customer support tickets and even track customer interactions through a comprehensive ticketing system.

The platform offers a built-in customer support ticketing system that allows teams to manage incoming tickets and implement best practices for a faster response time.


Manychat allows businesses to set automated messages and conversations through different channels

  • Advanced AI algorithms and natural language processing
  • Create automated customer service messages
  • Integrate with web platforms like WordPress and Shopify
  • Performance monitoring available
  • Variety of integrations to leverage customer data

10) Helpscout

Streamline customer service operations with integrated features

Helpscout is a software suite designed specifically to streamline customer service operations. It offers a powerful ticketing system, automated workflows, and a customer management system to deliver the best customer support experience with its help desk solution.

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The help desk ticketing system also comes with a wide range of customer support tools such as automated workflow systems, parent-child ticketing, real-time reporting and customer satisfaction metrics, ticket routing and contact management, customer CRM, customer satisfaction and feedback surveys, and customized customer management.

  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) for Call Centres
  • Ticket Assignment and Merging
  • Real-Time Visitor Message Preview
  • Self-Service Knowledge Base
  • API for scalability and integrations

11) Hubspot

Automate customer engagement with conversational experiences

Hubspot is a customer engagement platform that provides businesses with the tools to automate their customer experiences and convert more customers through conversational experiences.

With Hubspot, businesses can fully automate their help desk, ticket system and help desk software. This platform, powered by AI technology, offers businesses the ability to interact with customers in real-time and provide customer support more efficiently.

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The help desk features help businesses manage customer support tickets more easily, giving support team members visibility of priority issues and customer conversations. The integrated ticket system can also collect customer feedback and satisfaction levels, which allows support staff to take proactive measures. 

Also Read: Powerful Helpdesk Ticketing System for Small Business

Customizable Chat Widget

Create a custom chat widget to match your brand and make conversations more engaging.

Variety of Integrations

Seamlessly integrate Hubspot with Shopify, MailChimp, Zapier and more.

Canned Responses

Reuse pre-written answers to frequently asked questions for faster customer support.

Real-Time Message Preview

View customer conversations in real-time from a live chat window.

Engagement Analytics

Gain insights into customer engagement with reporting features.

12) LiveAgent

Customize help desk operations with workflow automation

LiveAgent is a help desk software built for businesses of all sizes that require a customized help desk solution to better support their customers.

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12 best help desk ticketing systems | top picks by experts -

This best help desk ticketing system streamlines workflow operations, from ticketing and routing to managing customer support requests and tracking customer experience metrics. It offers an advanced ticketing system and a customized knowledge base that can help you store and share answers to the most common questions from your customers.

You can also track customer support requests, response time and ticket resolutions. This ticketing system helps you build customer loyalty and deliver a better customer experience.

  • Canned responses available
  • Chat routing and queue management
  • Customizable and intuitive interface
  • Advanced analytics and forecasting
  • Ticket assignment and merging

Conclusion: Make the best choice for your business

Choosing any software can be confusing but if you are a small business and looking for helpdesk software which is not limited to customer query management but is also a messaging platform, then Desku suits right for you. It is highly affordable and has the quick fixing and solving of customer support needs.

As the help desk industry continues to grow, it’s important to find the best ticketing systems available. In this article, we’ve outlined the 12 best help desk ticketing systems for 2024. By making the right choices, you can ensure a smooth and efficient help desk experience for your clients. so don’t wait – find the best ticketing system for your help desk today!

Gaurav Nagani
Gaurav Nagani
As Founder & CEO of Desku.io, Gaurav has made a distinct mark in the customer support and ai bot field. His commitment to AI-enhanced solutions and his industry experience have been instrumental in modernizing customer service.

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