How to Link Shopify to Instagram: Know in 4 Minutes

Updated : Apr 24, 2024
9 Mins Read
A hand holding an instagram app on a tablet, demonstrating how to link Shopify to Instagram.

How to Link Shopify to Instagram: Know in 4 Minutes

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A decade ago, the idea of running an online business was intimidating. Who had ever thought of effortless online marketing, trusted payment gateways, well-synchronized operations, and tech-savvy systems to open new horizons of the virtual business world?

Well, today, you are dwelling in one of the so-called perfect and ever-evolving web-driven business profile worlds, where buying and selling are on your fingertip. All thanks to the internet and mobile industry! Building an online store is as easy as building a store with the help of Lego bricks! Perhaps, later, one requires a little more patience.

Online platforms such as Shopify provide excellent tools to create an online store in no time and attract a lot of potential customers.

Once the store is set, with the products and services all loaded, the time comes to bring them in front of the entire world. Although Shopify is well-versed with online tools, the magic of selling becomes more lucrative with the involvement of social media platforms. Amongst them, Instagram tops the list.

If you want to sell on Instagram, just hitting the Instagram feeds every now and then or using Instagram stories for product display aren’t the most successful techniques. So, we will focus on the importance of linking Shopify to Instagram and will go through the steps to link your Shopify online store with the Instagram app. The process stays the same for Shopify Plus users.

Key Takeaway :

To link Shopify to Instagram, first ensure eligibility and complete the Instagram Business Account setup, then create a Facebook Shop, link your Instagram and Facebook accounts, and set up the Instagram Sales Channel in Shopify. This integration is essential, given that Instagram is the most widely used social media platform, with a large percentage of users discovering and purchasing products through the platform.

A Quick Word: How does Desku complement your Shopify-Instagram integration?

4 minute quick read to set up shopify instagram integration for your online store
Set up shopify-instagram integration

As your Shopify store integrates with Instagram to drive sales and engagement, Desku can act as the backbone of your customer support strategy. You won’t have to be baffled even if you see a sudden surge in customer engagement and sales, as Desku single-handedly will be enough to assist your support team!

Desku is capable of handling inquiries related to Instagram promotions to provide timely updates on orders placed through the platform. Besides that, Desku’s Eva AI-powered bot automatically and accurately answers support questions (with no training required.)

Desku ensures that your support team is well-equipped to meet the demands of your expanding customer base. Don’t just connect your Shopify store to Instagram; you can also elevate the entire customer experience with Desku’s comprehensive support solutions. Check out the amazing features & pocket-friendly pricing of Desku.

Introduction to Shopify

Introduction to shopify

Do you dream of having a dynamic yet cosy online store but find it quite expensive and time-consuming to build it? We recommend having a look at Shopify. Shopify offers the tools and space to create online stores you desire for your products and services.

The question arises: there are ample online platforms that offer this facility, so why go for Shopify? Well, Shopify’s sales portal is not restricted to selling digital goods. You can sell physical products too! The scope to sell the products is exhaustive. The products can be online services, membership schemes, tickets to events, rentals, or online tutorials.

Whether big or small, Shopify is equally available for all sizes of businesses. It provides the same opportunity to grow, market, and sell the products and services via social media, websites, or through personalized marketing campaigns. The in-person selling can also be realized through Point-of-Sales on Shopify. And yes, here’s a SECRET TIP for your Shopify store’s growth.

How Important is the Shopify Instagram Integration?

When people think of doing business online, they think of Shopify!

And when people think of connecting online, they think of Instagram!

You will understand this phrase as soon as you look at the below statistics. The research study will tempt you instantly to connect Shopify to Instagram. The results of this Shopify integration appear like this.

  • Statistics show that Instagram is the most widely used Social media platform in the world. Around 1 billion people use Instagram in a month, and 80% of them follow either one or the other brand.
  • Yotpo’s research indicates that 60% of Instagram users have discovered new products on Instagram, and 30% of them tend to buy these newly discovered products.
  • A Hootsuite study indicates that 30% of active Instagram users navigate the brand website after watching the brand’s reel or video on it. Don’t you think posting stories on Instagram is a smart way to capture the audience?
  • Instagram facilitates the buying process through its Instagram Checkout point. Users can directly place orders through it. It’s a great way to speed up the buying process and increase the conversion rate (And here’s another solid tip for boosting your conversions).

Here is a 4-minute quick read to set up Shopify-Instagram integration for your online store.

Step 1: Check Eligibility for Using Instagram Sales Channel

In order to integrate your Shopify account with the Instagram Sales Channel, you have to ensure that you meet the following Criteria.

  • Instagram supports its Sales Channel in only specific countries; see the given list to see whether you fall in the supported region or not.
  • Rules and regulations come at every front, and you have to comply with the regulations of Facebook’s Commerce Policies and Merchant Agreement to avail of this integration.

Step 2: Complete your Instagram Business Account Login Process

Now that you fall in the eligible country, you have to convert your regular Instagram account into an Instagram Business Account. Here are the steps to guide you in the process.

  • Open your Instagram regular account and click on the “Settings” tab.
  • Now choose the “Switch to Business Account” option, and it’s done!

Step 3: Create a Facebook Shop

If you want to increase the span of a marketing campaign, what could be a better way than using the Facebook tagging option and an Instagram Sales Channel account? Let’s make this benefit available by setting up your Facebook shop through these simple steps.

  • Open your Shopify Account
  • Find the “+” button beside the Sales Channel tab. Now choose the option “Facebook”.
  • Now select the Facebook account you wish to link with Shopify after clicking on the “Connect Account” tab.
  • Again, you have to give full access to Shopify to handle the Facebook Business Page. The request will be activated within 48 hours, and then you will be able to tag your products on Facebook and sell them on Shopify.

Step 4: Link your Instagram Business Account and Facebook Business Page

Once the Facebook Business Page is set up, you have to link it with the Instagram Business Account by following the guide below.

  • Open your Instagram Business Account and choose the “Settings” option. Then, choose the “Shopping” tab.
  • Now, you have to define your product Catalog from the “Product” menu.
  • Instagram will take time to verify your authenticity and will give the green signal to make reels and videos from your Instagram Business Account.

Step 5: Set up your Instagram Sales Channel

You can sell your Shopify products from Instagram after going through this last step. Let’s have a look at it.

  • Open your Shopify account and choose the “+” option.
  • You have to choose the” Instagram” option from the “Add Sales Channel” dialogue box.
  • Now, go for the “Add Channel” option.
  • Lastly, you have to open a Facebook account and give full access to Shopify for integration.

Thus, the process of integrating your Shopify & Instagram has been completed! You can start to sell your products by enabling this powerful shopping feature. 

How to Drive Traffic from Instagram to Your Shopify Store?

Just integrating your Shopify – Instagram account is not enough. You should also lay a plan ahead to drive a reasonable audience from your Instagram account to your Shopify online store. You may not believe, but just by the putting right Icon Images in Shopify Footer can give a slight boost to your sales and third party traffic. Linking your Shopify to Instagram is another decent tip.

So, we have come up with the key strategies to divert Instagram viewers toward Shopify stores.

Optimize your Instagram Bio for Conversions

The first impression is the last impression. This phrase works quite well when you want to attract a large pool of audience via your Instagram Account. The first thing viewers notice in your Instagram profile is your Bio.

If it seems appealing and assuring, viewers can further think of going to your Shopify online store. So, the next thing to incorporate in your Bio is a clickable link to your Shopify store. Don’t forget to use hashtags and emojis, as they can be of great help in creating an aesthetic appeal.

Create compelling visual content

Can you guess what prompts viewers to buy a product for the first time? It’s not just the product quality but the way it is communicated to them that creates this buying desire.

The lifestyle it showcases, the benefits it brings, and the stories it associates become the key markers in raising this need. Instilling this Wisdom in your Instagram Posts and Reels, IGTV, and CTA can be a turning point in your Shopify Business strategy. the same implies for your Shopify landing page.

Implement Instagram Shopping

Enable users to quickly purchase their interested products through the Instagram Channel. Tag your products, make the description available in short captions, and link them to the Instagram Selling portal. Make buying as smart as possible with your Instagram Account.

Run Targeted Instagram Ads

Instagram caters to specific Ads to the Targeted audience based on their interest, demographics, and behavioural patterns. Create these sublime Ads to attract the viewers. Don’t forget to link these Ads to your Shopify Online Store to maximize the conversion rate. Running Discount Codes, sales offers, and add-on schemes can be a more lucrative way to enhance Shopify sales.

Also read: ClickFunnels vs Shopify: Choose the Right E-Commerce Platform

Collaborate with Influencers and Partners

A friend’s friend mostly turns out to be a friend! Have a hawk eye for the influencers whose audience has similar interest to what you have stocked in your Shopify Store. Collaborate with them and take advantage of the added benefit of propagating your brand. Giving away a small portion of your income to influencers can prove to be a waxing phase of your business.

Host Instagram Contest and Giveaways

Everybody likes to get something for free, and winning a contest is like winning a Nobel prize! Exaggerate this need and create an appeal to participate in your Instagram Contest either by liking, tagging, or reposting your post. It’s a great way to introduce your brand and product line to potential buyers.

Utilize Instagram Analytics to refine your approach

Instagram Analytics offers tools to analyze the effectiveness of your post or reel. If you keep track of your feeds regularly, you will be able to identify your most potent advertisement, how far it has reached, and how much traffic it has diverted to your Shopify Store.

Instagram Analytical features such as the number of views, reach, clicks, or impressions of a post give a fair idea of its reach to the audience. These features may seem small but can be strategic if used to gain insights about your viewer’s interests, buying behaviour, and many other parameters that prompt their purchases.

Instagram metrics can be a powerful tool to tailor your marketing strategy as per the audience preference and, in turn, boost your Shopify Sales.


What can be a better and more efficient way to reach your target audience through its favourite social media Platform? Don’t miss this opportunity to increase your business revenue with Shopify-Instagram Integration. It’s a must-go for all Shopify online storeholders. We recommend you read this 4-minute guide to make your Shopify-Instagram Integration hassle-free.

Gaurav Nagani
Gaurav Nagani
As Founder & CEO of, Gaurav has made a distinct mark in the customer support and ai bot field. His commitment to AI-enhanced solutions and his industry experience have been instrumental in modernizing customer service.

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